Cycle results - good job, nice to see people using non-crazy doses and realizing that excellent results can be had.
Keeping Gains - so far excellent job. I really think the 6 month mark is the key, at the current rate you won't lose much by then but at 6 months it's basically a given that you'll keep everything. Most guys here don't stay clean for anywhere near that length of time but from a guy that did 1-2 cycles per year for several years this is really the marker for long term.
Current Desire to do more - you always get used to your body - even the 290 lbs. guys think they are small. This is an insidious mental effect which gets everyone to rationalize cycle after cycle. Plus it feels good to be gaining and getting stronger so they miss that when they are clean. Consider this, every hardcore juice maniac started with the idea of one cycle. Somewhere along the line they torqued it into abuse rather than use. Be aware that although not physically addictive you should watch your mind/desires and not let it control you, mental addiction is real and is much harder to kick than physical.