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ProtienFiend said:
i thought insulin interfered with the release of GH?
that would be true but only in a very limited timefame.
cortisol is antagonistic to GH, and given that your body has not recovered (suppressed corticoids) from stressful excercise due to lack of nutrients (for purpose of argument let's say glucose) the GH response will be delayed. In fact, one study pointed that in a restricted dietary regimen, with no glucose PW GH secretion was delayed by 13 hours after excercise=bad. Cortisol levels are rampant! At the same time long periods of hypoinsulenamia have a negative impact upon hormonal production - T(test), T3(thyroid hormone), TSH(T4>T3 conversion), Leptin(peptide protein responsible for fat loss) delcine, all the while NPY (hunger) and SHBG (Test inhibiting hormone) rise. Hence the concept of refeed on CKD or carb meal PW.