Re: 84 Days...T Contest Log
Sunday morning thoughts...
In looking at my diet yesterday, I plugged all the food into fitday and turns out I've been eating too much. The calories came out to 2650. Even though I've been weighing everything religiously, I hadn't actually counted the calories/macros out. Fitday is great because you can plug in all the things you your individual protein powder. I suppose there was some validation there after my meltdown last week because I know my body well enough to know that 4 weeks of solid dieting should see me down in weight, regardless of macro breakdowns. I may be moody but I'm not crazy! LOL
Ya just gotta laugh! It really just fits!!'s the summary of this week's lessons in body transformation...write these down kids!
1. low carbs can cause will feel like you're on a roller coaster of emotions (especially if you're a peri menopausal female)! I could add on that it's also not a good idea to use said moodiness as an excuse to be sarcastic to the doctors you work for. Everyone else will think you're hilarious but they will not appreciate your jokes! LOL
2. Always, always always add up your calories!! (giant facepalm here)
3. Trust your instincts....As I have trained with a few different competitors over the last couple of years, one message that always stayed the same was to trust your gut instinct and pay attention to your body. All of them would tell me that the ideal goal in training with someone was to pay attention and get to the place where you knew yourself well. I always found it easier to just pay someone to tell me what to do but this last year, I've really tried to learn and pay attention to how my body responds and how different foods make me look/feel. Starting a diet, for me, is comparable to quitting smoking...I've done it a hundred times and every time, I drop about 10 lbs in the first 2 matter what. When things hadn't changed last week, it would have been wise to take it a step further and try to figure out why, not just vent about it. The only thing I had introduced was should have seen a loss.
Rick wrote in his log this week that he was looking at himself as being last in the contest and was gonna kill it. That is really how I'm looking at things now. I don't consider the last 4-5 weeks totally lost time because I've achieved something I haven't had in months, which was consistency. But...I am not seeing the results that everyone else is getting, so I'm looking at this contest now as an 8 week transformation contest!
Transformation, for me in the next 8 weeks, is all about cutting. I am not looking to gain much muscle in the next 8 weeks. I need to preserve what I have and drop a ridiculous amount of body fat. I'm not going to count myself out yet but it's go time baby!! 200% for the next 8 weeks.
I am feeling much more empowered and am gonna kill it! It's put up or shut up time.(Insert Rocky theme music). That moment where you find out what you are really made of and throughout my life, once I hit that moment, there's no turning back. Time for some girl power.