LOL Flor - my Hubby is already stressing over her starting to date. 
YAY - I lifted this morning, nothing earth-shattering, but felt good to do it again. Did a pseudo-circuit just to see how it felt. I did 30min cardio first, even though I know you are supposed to do weights first then cardio. I have always liked doing cardio before weights if I have to combine them. I miss the days when I could do cardio in the AM and weights in the PM - separating them is so much better.
I really love one of the Hammer pieces we have at my gym - it is the Hammer Plate Loaded Chest/Lat Pulldown combo. Perfect for circuit work. I can do PL Incline Chest, then slap another weight on the sides and do Lat work on the other side of the piece. PLUS, I can actually FEEL my back working on this piece. Which if you have followed anything about me, you know I never feel my back working and I HATE doing back.
So I did that combo a few times, with some walking lunges thrown in there, then did DB Chest Press/DB OH Press (hated this combo - SUCH a bad idea to combine Chest/Shoulders in a superset, but wanted to try it), then did BB Row (back)/BB Upright Row (Shoulders). In between everything I did some lunges, some DB squats, some abs on ball. No real rest between anything. Every now and then I took about a 10 second rest if I felt I needed it. Sorta random, just wanted to see how things felt. Felt good to lift weights, and also felt like I kept my heartrate up. Everything was to extreme fatigue at 10-12 reps.
We will see if I am sore tomorrow, I bet I will feel a little "heaviness" tomorrow, since I am hella outta shape weights-wise. I think I am going to do cardio tomorrow - going to try a run on the tread. Body felt a little sluggish today though, so it might serve well to rest, take the baby for a walk. We'll see. I did workout SIX DAYS this week - go me.

YAY - I lifted this morning, nothing earth-shattering, but felt good to do it again. Did a pseudo-circuit just to see how it felt. I did 30min cardio first, even though I know you are supposed to do weights first then cardio. I have always liked doing cardio before weights if I have to combine them. I miss the days when I could do cardio in the AM and weights in the PM - separating them is so much better.
I really love one of the Hammer pieces we have at my gym - it is the Hammer Plate Loaded Chest/Lat Pulldown combo. Perfect for circuit work. I can do PL Incline Chest, then slap another weight on the sides and do Lat work on the other side of the piece. PLUS, I can actually FEEL my back working on this piece. Which if you have followed anything about me, you know I never feel my back working and I HATE doing back.

So I did that combo a few times, with some walking lunges thrown in there, then did DB Chest Press/DB OH Press (hated this combo - SUCH a bad idea to combine Chest/Shoulders in a superset, but wanted to try it), then did BB Row (back)/BB Upright Row (Shoulders). In between everything I did some lunges, some DB squats, some abs on ball. No real rest between anything. Every now and then I took about a 10 second rest if I felt I needed it. Sorta random, just wanted to see how things felt. Felt good to lift weights, and also felt like I kept my heartrate up. Everything was to extreme fatigue at 10-12 reps.
We will see if I am sore tomorrow, I bet I will feel a little "heaviness" tomorrow, since I am hella outta shape weights-wise. I think I am going to do cardio tomorrow - going to try a run on the tread. Body felt a little sluggish today though, so it might serve well to rest, take the baby for a walk. We'll see. I did workout SIX DAYS this week - go me.