Slight pop in left side of chest into delt during the 275x8 on close grip incline presses on smith machine. First time Ive felt that side pop, that I can remember.Right side popped twice but those were more severe. Never a full tear but it was bad enough to have some pain for some days afterward.
This time I felt the pop on the eighth rep but locked it out anyway, then re racked it. Could be because this is a strange angle with tucking elbows in. Also the barbell presses are the most high risk for my chest strains.
There was some slight soreness during tricep pressdowns , so I didnt push shit too hard. It shouldnt be too much of an issue but it may be time to switch to pure bodybuilding style for chest. I can probably still hit some records with shoulder pressing, atleast on machines, overloading those. Will see how shit feels.
May be time for a more growth focused phase. Over strength. The last two pops, I felt alot of tenderness immediately afterward and it lasted days. I dont really feel this one unless I put weight directly on it. I can grow my chest with light weight though and high reps, so I can adapt if need be.
I will likely not hit close grip pressing again anytime soon and maybe avoid smith machine presses of any type for a while. I did not feel pressure on my right hand today, so it may have strengthened. May also be because of the closer grip. Difficult to say.
Its double edged with getting both stronger and having compromised tendons after years of abuse. The trade off is that I have the capability to push much more weight, but one compromised tendon and joint can lead to tearing the muscle off the bone. Its always a high risk. Even with my lighter sets which are never that light. Comes with the territory.
228 lbs after possible meal earlier, ate very little yesterday
Close Grip Smith Machine Incline Press (Shoulder width and elbows tucked)
Bar x40 warm
135x35 warm
225x25 (PR due to this being a new movement)
275x8 (Slight pop in left side of chest into delt. PR by default, being a new movement. I usually pay for trying new movements at this stage.)
See video of 275 set
Curved Bar Pressdowns (Limited myself to 255 lbs since there was some pain in chest during these. Didnt push failure completely)
No rest til line
KILOGRAMS unless noted
95x10 (210 lb stack)
No rest til line
35x20 Slow Strict Alternating Dumbbell Curls , Palms facing entire time, no twist, some holds
No rest til line
35x20 Strict Alt DB curls again, same style
No rest til line
255 lbs x20 (some pain in left chest strain. Minor but didnt push it)
35x20 Strict Alt DB curls, same style
V bar pressdowns (Didnt write these down right away, memory hazy)
no rest til line
No rest til line
95x20-30 (these may all be off for v bars)
35x20 Alt db curls, same style
Strict Alternating Dumbbell Curls (palms facing entire time again, slow with some holds)
no rest til line
No rest again
35x10 Incline db curls
Alt db curls with reverse curl negative (zottman curl)
no rest til line
Tried some cable curls seated but felt some strain in left side of chest right away. Decided against pushing farther today
Video below