Legion Kreinak2
New member
Gettin' a heavy bag this X-mas... My split thus far is
Sunday: Abs
Monday: Chest/Calves
Tuesday: Sprints
Wednesday: Back/Shoulders
Thursday: Abs
Friday: Legs
Saturday: Arms
Where in this would I incorporate heavy bag training? I know the best way to improve my punch is throuhg actually punching, not so much weight lifting. That's just accessory shit.
Oh, and would it be good to stick with the 5x5 routine from now until Spring (all the way through my bulking cycle)? Or should I switchup the routine, and if so... what would I do next?
Sunday: Abs
Monday: Chest/Calves
Tuesday: Sprints
Wednesday: Back/Shoulders
Thursday: Abs
Friday: Legs
Saturday: Arms
Where in this would I incorporate heavy bag training? I know the best way to improve my punch is throuhg actually punching, not so much weight lifting. That's just accessory shit.
Oh, and would it be good to stick with the 5x5 routine from now until Spring (all the way through my bulking cycle)? Or should I switchup the routine, and if so... what would I do next?