Your not going to get much useful adivce here on steroids when you dont even know how to eat or work out. You have to put in some time and effort before you want to start thinking about steriods. Asking for training / diet advice and what orals you should take to gain overall body size / strength shows you have no idea what your doing in the first place and have done no research. Get your diet and training in check and at least do a little research before asking for someone to plan out an entire lifestyle for you. Also, your size at 6'2" and 168 lbs is skinny and shows you have plenty of room to grow naturally before you should think of taking anything. You are looking for a quick fix to gain some size, but you will lose all your size and strength followed by your motivation about 6 weeks post cycle when you have no foundation in the first place to maintain it. Bust your ass for a few years and learn as much as you can, then come back, do some research and then maybe someone will help you.