Shaolin Ninja
I was talking to Handjob Jones(Cornholio) earlier about this topic. What are your thoughts about Squatting second, (first let me apologize for talking about something relevant to the gym or physical exertion on this site), back to the topic, I'm tired of squatting first, no matter how much I warm up, it never seems that I am warm enough(dont want any warm up tips please), maybe its me but my second exercise for legs always seems the most comfortable, no matter how heavy I go or what the previous exercise was, back in the day I used to lunge first then squat, now that felt solid, I was getting the exact weight if not more that I would if squatting was first. Any who, I squat heavy every other week, the week in between squats I front squat, now that leg day I like and it has not become boring. What are your thoughts on squatting after some leg press? Does anyone currently practice this? I'm not worried on getting my weight, that will occur in some fashion or another. I have no clue why it would, but my main worry is loss of size, which I dont think is possible, but being who I am I tend to ponder the possibility of losing size by placing squats second(you kind of have to train for a bit to understand my ridiculousness and in some cases, mental lapse).. peace