great job B..... your depth looked good, maybe just an inch shy. one thing though..... you sure take a good bit of steps back though, you may want to just try taking 1 step back, it might save you some energy.
you look great, your lifting superb, and your huge!!!!
what band are you using on the pull throughs? those squats look plenty deep to me man, not like youre trainging for a PL meet, right? just want the strength...! Lookin good man
Hey Clint you actually got a chest???? what's up with that??? good arch in your back on the squats. if you feel uncomfortable on the depth try a very light weight and work on going low and see how your body responds to it
I need about 1 1/2" more depth to pass in a meet...about 3" for a few I'll get it though. The deeper I go the more stress it puts on the hamstring and the hamstring tendons. Just takes time. I looked/felt A LOT more stable this week than last...
I did notice that I should have only taken ONE step back instead of You don't realize a lot till you video yourself.