An experienced( tournament winner) bodybuilder once told me to do chest and shoulders together, shoulders after chest and only side raises as pressing will take away the stress on chest.
I must admit being somewhat in awe of this monster i have trained this way for some time until recently.
I have decreassed my sets dramatically doing only 2 warm ups and 4 working sets per bodypart and upped my reps from 4-6 to 8-12.
i have definately had a small gain from doing this, antone else found this worked and what sort of gains did u get.
I must admit being somewhat in awe of this monster i have trained this way for some time until recently.
I have decreassed my sets dramatically doing only 2 warm ups and 4 working sets per bodypart and upped my reps from 4-6 to 8-12.
i have definately had a small gain from doing this, antone else found this worked and what sort of gains did u get.