My competition dates:
July 21-22 - NPC Teen Collegiate Masters National Championships - Pitthsburgh (where in Pittburgh dunno yet)
July 14-15 - NPC Southern States (Ft. Lauderdale)
other than that, dunno. All subject to my job situation.
Diet: Time to set up efficient burning --- If you are just starting a new diet or made a significant change to what you are currently doing, your body needs some time to adjust to the new changes. If the diet is tuned enough so that it truly works for you (some just don't so you'd have to see how you respond) so you can't expect to change a diet or start a diet & see dramatic results immediately. Sometimes you can drop a bunch of water weight immediately, but for continued efficient burning you need to give your body enough time, keeping the diet or the change consistent for long enough for metabolism to become predictable and spot on.
Does that make any sense? The challenge is getting it consistent - this is critical to effective burning (i.e. your body has "trained" itself to expect the particular diet /schedule and is now running as if it expects to have that same schedule. If you have a food panic and throw down a bunch of crap, it throws off the expected schedule and throws your system for a loop while it tries to respond to what it didnt' expect - so in a sense it has to step back start re-expecting the consistency again -- i.e. sets back the period of successful consistency). And along with that, people tend to screw up the consistency because they haven't really established the HABIT of eating on the new program / schedule for usually 2-3 weeks. Because its foreign to them, they aren't sure if they like it, they haven't mastered managing the food panics, or the schedule is new & maybe needs to be worked on to fit into the rest of the current lifestyle.