Gonna take a shot at picking up my loggage, ... still waiting patiently on my job situation --- that's what is just sucking the life out of me these last 2 weeks...
- I trained full body w/ a bunch of wild supersets and my shoulders / neck had been cracking & pinching all week so I saw my chiro & LMT on Thursday - they fixed everything but the workover left me sore enough on Friday to skip training. Was able to find a new set of workouts to try over the weekend & put it all together yesterday - of course now I'm sore as shit again and took today off. Not real happy about it but I was just beat & sore today so I guess I'll just live w/ it.
Quick update...
Job -- expecting a phone call (at least 1) tomorrow (Monday), but it may be Tues. Can't get ahead of myself but I have it on good authority to expect it. A couple other opportunities, but they need to get on the ball & make the call now - they both said they woudl call, but when you get those sorts of messages late in the week, somehow stuff doesn't get done by Friday.
House - still on the mkt, another realtor came thru today. That's about it.
Diet -- skip today -- got the munchies. 'Nuff said.
Training -- yesterday:
6 min cardio
15 min dynamic warmup
10 min static stretch
Lift sequence: (ref:
- each "complex" is completed as a "mammoth set" - basically transition from each exercise to the next, no rest, the weight used for the whole set is the weight that is the lowest one of all that you can execute for all the exercises - basically your weakest weight is the one you stick w/ thru the sequence.
Javorek's Barbell Complex 1 (clean grip): 3 sets - w/ barbell (45 lb) x 2, 55 lb x 1
- BB upright row x 6
- BB High Pull Snatch x 6
- BB Behind the head squat push press x 6
- BB Behind the head Good Morning x 6
- BB Bent over row x 6
Javorek's BB complex 3: 3 sets - bar (45 lb) x 1, 55 lb x 2
- BB supinated curls x 6 --- here I opted for the EZ bar at 50 lb - straight bar curls give me nasty pinches in my wrists.
- BB Romanian DLs x 6 -- here I replaced the scheduled upright rows w/ RDLs -- upright rows I'm not a big fan of & they also tend to cause a nasty pinch in my left wrist. Unfortunately after getting my ham / glute / ilio psoas beat on during the massage session I was tight as f**k here
- BB high pull snatch from the hip x 6
- BB behind the head GM x 10
- BB behidn the head squat push press x 6
Javorek BB Complex 5: 55 lb x 2 --- replaced 3rd sequence w/ cardio - just friggen tired at this point....
- BB upright row x 6
- BB high pull snatch (med grip) x 4
- BB bent over row (med grip) x 4
- BB alternate leg step up on flat bench X 16
- BB good morning x 16
- BB upright row med grip x 6
- BB high pull snatch med grip x 4
- BB back squat jump x 8
Collectively -- ass kicking. I'm sure I'll be putting in some different stuff as I go based on the aches and pains -- -primarily:
- The DLs were really SLOOOWWW because my hams / glutes were sooo tight despite my warm up. Most likely due to getting worked over durign the massage.
- Curls suck -- my right elbow tendonitis does me every time and I have to keep it to the EZ bars - straight bars just do not work.
- Upright rows - are better w/ a straight bar but I've been doign these things for years and don't really see the value in them for my body at that point.
- Squat push presses -- I love these things but it really is hitting my shoulders / neck -- that's the area that gets tight also from stress and is just a bitch to get stretched out. Also got these worked over during the massage and need to watch my right shoulder / rotator cuff.
- knees -- really need to watch my knees -- almost got stuck in an ATF squat w/ just 55 lbs.
Other stuff --
- plan to incorporate more calf stretches via holding the bottom part of a squat for 20-30 sec. a few times.
- Love the squat push presses
- need to refocus on my DLs and stretch my ham / glute more.
- need pilates / yoga added to this routine
- need to include abs & tris - just not getting worked...
I'm friggen sore.