New member
Eh, took yesterday off from training. No particular reason I guess. Lack of direction in whatever I'm going to do next.
19 Sept 2006 (Tues)
House: nuttin
Job: no updates
Diet: still tight. I have no appetite for anything except jalapenos.
Training -- it was so random today. Ended up doing a really random full body thing w/ a couple suggestions from a guy at the gym but didn't get to talk long enough to get sort of the whole "flow" of a complete workout so it just got to be more of a supersetting of "stuff"... ."Weider Confusion Principle" LMAO! -- The general idea is still full body but more dynamic motions super setting - e.g. clean & press + curls
6 min cardio warmup
- clean & press: bar + 20/10 x 3
- ezbar curl: 40/10 x 3
- lat pull ups: bodywt/5 x 2 -- found that little tweak I had in my lats from this summe r-- backed off the last set
- cable tri rope presses: 60/10 x 2
--- since the last set of pull-ups interrupted I switched over to DB tri kickbacks: 20/12 x 2
- Hammerstrength Press: 70/10 x 3
- HS row: 90/10 x 3
- leg ext (8 TUT): 85/12 x 3
- sliding calf raise: 120/45 x 3
This was a very cardio-oriented workout -- definitely huffing thru each superset so I called that "cardio" and went home