Is the liquid eggs in a supplement the same thing asnormal liquid whites? I mean, how can they store them without gettingthem spoiled? Eggs go rancid rather fast once broken....and how dothey assure that there is no salmonella if you are supposed to eatthem raw?
A liquid egg white is a liquid egg white whether it's a baking ingredient or a protein supplement. Both are pasteurized (heat treated) and both require refrigeration and cooling once they've been opened.
i personally have no interest in that shit. i eat my eggs whole and pastured (humane friendly). i cook them half way and no problems.. that is how you should eat eggs.. never overcook them
So is there any special advantage of eating raw whites, or this is just fashion from Rocky? I really like to cook them as @stevesmi says, so it would be cool if they had the same nutritional value.