Your comments are justified MacGilicutti, but if you could have seen some of the fellas that I had dated in the would not have made it. I have dated men that were shorter than me (I'm really only 5' 3 1/2"), BUTT UGLY, never seen the inside of a gym, pilsbury doughboy types, guys with arms that were skinnier than mine (No, I do NOT have 17 inch arms - LOL).
Like I said before, would it be nice to find a man with chiseled features, with the body of a god, a good conversationalist, smart, funny makes GOOOOOOOOD MONEY, would support me no matter WHAT I wanted to do as long as it made me happy, and DAYMMMNED good in the sack?! HELL YES!!!! But a man need not have the first two in order for me to consider dating him. You can think what you like, but the honest truth (for me anyways) if a man has A LOT to offer me as far as the rest of the requirements go......then in my eyes THERE IS NO OTHER MAN - PERIOD.
And yes, I would even give up sex if I could have him treat me the way that I deserve to be treatd. How can I make such a statement? I was with the same man for 13 years - was faithful till my head hit the ground. Do you honestly believe that we were swinging from the chandeliers morning, noon, and nite? There were sometime that our relationship was soooooo strained that we did not doink for 6 - 8 mos at a clip!....believe it or not, the thought to stray NEVER entered my mind. I would not want someone to treat me that way, so I would not treat THEM like that.
Sex is very important, but it ain't everything.