A friend of mine, he looks OK, smoothtalker, has a very attractive red-head girlfriend, STILL cheats and pays for pussie too, just for the kick, he is one horny mofo (did I mention he's ON a AS cycle right now?)
I think the saying puss is puss does applie to men, until they get emotionally involved with a person
While females regard it important that a guy has a COMPLETE package, or at least be able to give that impression hehe (meaning: looks, personality, social rank , money etc) I know another guy who is definately selected for his looks alone, the moment we step into a club usually within the first 2-3 minutes(!!!) a female kind of "accidently" bumps against him (you know how sneaky girls can play this game) to introduce herself... It is really as if they are affraid some other female walks away with the grand prize. Now about how this guy:
- 2.04 mtrs in height, 105 kg
- he sometimes works out with me but he is more athletic than BB build (he's a blackbelt karate)
- black hair, wild not curly
- grey-bleu eyes
- age is 34 but his smile and freggles gives him a kind of a boyish looks
- he moves very energetic by nature (he is long but not sluggishm turn very very fast), he is a bit hyper but it is as if life force itself radiates from him
- Still there you can see something serious in his face (he has had a very very rough youth ) YES this is a man with a story, the girls KNOW IT and the guys see it too, goes nowbody, not even the big drunken redneck dare to touch him, the moment they look in his eyes they decide it's not worth it)
Getting female attention is no problem for him, but over the years he has gotten more and more selective (just like a girl: if u got plenty too choose from you can AFFORD to be selective)
Funny thing that he kinda got hooked to the attention thing. It's not that he need to get laID with every female but he is ADDICTED to getting attention from all of them. Some Guy on this board said all females are attentioen hoes, well i know at least one male attention hoe too.
About me, I don't posses that smooth killer looks (my body is razor sharp though, due to hard work) but I'ts not that I can rely on my looks alone and the girls come running to me, I have to come to them and show sum genuine interest. Once I start talking the scales usually turn to my favour....