I was just wondering if alot of folks on this board eat DRY cottage cheese?
I tend to eat alot of it and it has 21g of protien per 1/2 cup (.5g fat, and 2g carbs). So if you mix a cup in with your scrambled eggs, or whatever your basically getting a protien shake's worth.
It seems to me this is an increadibly cheap source of protien.
Any one else use this? I'm not talking about low-fat stuff here, I mean the real DRY/curd cc.
I tend to eat alot of it and it has 21g of protien per 1/2 cup (.5g fat, and 2g carbs). So if you mix a cup in with your scrambled eggs, or whatever your basically getting a protien shake's worth.
It seems to me this is an increadibly cheap source of protien.
Any one else use this? I'm not talking about low-fat stuff here, I mean the real DRY/curd cc.