blood_drinker said:
please, do comment.
i know it's theoretical, but in my experience and that of many others, it works.
Lots of things work, at least for a while, some longer for others.
But I never look at fat loss in terms of a day. If you are competing or preparing for a contest, then maybe you have to do this every now and then.
Personally, I always focus on the big picture. When you look at the big picture, you tend not to split hairs, getting caught up with "Am I burning FAT or Glycogen right now?" The BIG picture says, "I'm burning neither one of these - I'm burning calories, period.
The big picure means measuring waist lines every 2-3 weeks instead of every 4-5 days resulting in emotional attachment which can be psychologically damaging. You train like a machine without the emotions. Shit, if measurements are not down in 2 weeks or strength is not up, you make adjustments or you wait another week or 2.
The big Picture doesn't involve a scale every 3-4 days day but perhaps at 2-3 week intervals to make sure you are on the path to your goal(s) or at the very least not deviating from the path.
Finally, it means that you have confidence that everything will come out in the wash as long as you are training hard and following procedures to lower bodyfat (if thats your goal) making periodic adjustments accordingly.
Just my .02.