So I just got back from a two month Hiatus. For me that means dumbells only and weighted pull ups. Only upper body. I went from 202lbs. to 182lbs. which is where I am at now, my bench from 340 to 305.
While I do not think that is a bad hit on my upper body, my legs and trunk are crazy weak. I could pull 505 with relative ease before I left and lost weight. I can pull 405 with a little left in the tank at my current weight
I want to weight 190, 193 absolute max. I am 5'9 so unless its pure LBM, I don't want to be putting on useless weight. I like weighing less, it is the first time I have been below 190 in a few years and its great, I can pass my Navy Run test now.
I want to get my Core lifts back up, but I want to do front squats as opposed to back squats. My front squats have always been great, as have my back. When I was 202 I front squatted 355x2 as a lifetime max.
The are some videos of my Power lifting meet when I was competing at 195. I now weigh 13 lbs. less and am a whole lot weaker
Back Squat: 475x1 - YouTube
Deadlift: 500x1 - YouTube
Sorry about dredging up the past, I just want you guys to know where I was at to where I am now. I have different goals that will better fit my lifestyle, I no longer want to be strong no matter the cost, I need to focus on efficiency as well as strength.
Here are my stats:
5'9 182
DeadLift 415
Front Squat 275x3
Bench Press 305
Military Press ?
My goals
- Become as strong as possible while being able to run a 10:30 mile and a half
- At least 3 days of cardio a week
- Not have running negatively impact my lifting, or at least minimize this impact.
- Focus more on strength and less on mass.
- Incorporate Power Cleans into my Routine??
Never done power cleans in a routine before, on my Power Clean day I thought I would follow the routine on this page
Power Clean Routine - Sherdog Mixed Martial Arts Forums
Scroll down
After this I would do Romanian Deadlifts for assistance.
Here is a tentative routine I will be following, I need this critiqued (assistance will vary, just naming compounds):
Sunday: off
Monday: Front Squat
Tuesday: Bench press
Wednesday: PT/Cardio in AM - Weighted pull up Routine PM

ower Cleans, Romanians for assistance
Friday: Military Press - Cardio After Workout
Saturday: AM Cardio
low reps on all compound movements (<5 reps)
Kind of an unorthodox routine, here are my big questions and concerns:
Will Power Cleans be worth doing in terms of providing explosive power and strength gains to my other lifts, or would I better off be converting it to a straight dead lift day and scrapping the Power Cleans all together?
I need my legs to be strong, but not so massive that they hinder my running, hence the front squatting as opposed to back, is my logic correct?
Am I overtraining? My diet is nutritious with lots of eggs, oatmeal, veggies and chicken.
I am not training for any oly comps, the power cleans are there for strength, are they worth it?