New member
Current Stats: 22 years old, 6'3" 190 pds, 7% bf. Looking to add quality muscle while continuing to cut. I know its difficult, but tell me what you think about the diet and training. Thanks Bros.
Supplements: Glutamine and Createne 2 times daily (No AS at moment)
Training Split
Day 1: Morning run (20 minutes on empty stomach. Evening workout (Chest and Abs)
Day 2: Evening Workout (Back, Bis, Obliques)
Day 3: Morning Run (Abs)
Day 4: Morning Run. Evening Workout (Shoulders and Tris)
Day 5: Evening Workout (Legs, Calves, Abs)
Diet Breakdown:
Protein 250 grams
Carbs 375 grams
Fat 109 grams
Calories 3451
All Calories consumed are clean. My fat intake comes almost entirely from flaxseed and olive oil supplementation. Thank you all so much for your time and help.
Supplements: Glutamine and Createne 2 times daily (No AS at moment)
Training Split
Day 1: Morning run (20 minutes on empty stomach. Evening workout (Chest and Abs)
Day 2: Evening Workout (Back, Bis, Obliques)
Day 3: Morning Run (Abs)
Day 4: Morning Run. Evening Workout (Shoulders and Tris)
Day 5: Evening Workout (Legs, Calves, Abs)
Diet Breakdown:
Protein 250 grams
Carbs 375 grams
Fat 109 grams
Calories 3451
All Calories consumed are clean. My fat intake comes almost entirely from flaxseed and olive oil supplementation. Thank you all so much for your time and help.