Day 2
Week 14
165 x 1x3
205 x 1x3
245 x 2x3
105 x 1x3
125 x 1x3
150 x 1x3
170 x 1x2
255 x 1x3
315 x 1x3
365 x 1x3
410 x 1x3
Comments: Squats were VERY easy. I was pretty close to doing Friday's workout instead because of how great they felt. I finally failed on something

. My form on the first rep of the press was off which is probably what killed me for doing that 3rd rep. Hopefully I'll get it next Wednesday

. I'm also excited to say that I'm just as strong, if not stronger on the press and deadlift than when I was weighing 248lbs.
As a side note I'm getting great comments at the gym. Someone commented on my ATG squat depth on Monday and another person acknowledged that 410 is a lot of weight to do without a belt.