pussy...how can you not like oatmeal?? I probably get 20% of my caloric intake from oatmeal. Raisins are good, blend it in with a vanilla protien drink, lots of options.
Ok, IM not a huge fan on oatmeal, I duno if its the texture or what but it fuckin gags me But it's part of a diet I have made up therefore,..every morning I have a smoothie with my breakfasrt, just some berries and banana done up in my magic bullet, so could i just mix the packet of oatmeal in with that when I blend it up? or does it have to be cooked in order to be any good for me?
I get the Quaker Quick (3- 5 minute) oats but I just pour some boiling water on top, I like it less mushy/less cooked. Lately I've been putting a bit of cinnamon on top and sometimes a few raisins.
+10 on mixing it with the shake. Fuck having to boil them and cook oatmeal it expands a shitload and then it becomes hard to get down 240 calories of oats, when i could have just added them to my protein shake and had a 1200 calorie shake.
I think the main thing to consider is portion size. Whether you get quick oats, old fashioned oats, or steel-cut oats, a third of a cup or a half cup serving is (for me) a proper portion size. Depending on what other carbs I am eating that day. If the oatmeal is going to be my only carb I go with half a cup. Thats about 150 cals, 5 g protein , 27 grams carbs, 3 grams fat and 4 grams of fibre. The counts are exactly the same for quick, old-fashioned and steel cut.