Yes, you eat something from each category, even at breakfast. This is an advanced diet for serious bodybuilders, and is designed so the mix of proteins and carbs are balanced and time released (in theory). You don’t necessarily eat a WHOLE chicken breast and a WHOLE round steak, you cook up whatever you’re gonna need for the next few days and divide it into small portions. So maybe you only eat half a chicken breast, half a round steak and two eggs (plus the fruit) for breakfast. Then you eat the other half of the chick/steak with meal number 3 or 6. This diet has even worked out your pre-workout meal for you.
Acer, first of all this is a mass gain (bulking) diet, not a cutting diet. It’s true that excess fructose is not good for you. Excess means more fructose than your liver AND your muscles need. In other words if you’re training hard (depleting muscle glycogen) and you eat fructose, sure your liver will get first pass at the fructose. But any left overs will then fill muscle stores. AFTER liver and muscle have had their fill, then the rest may get stored as fat, but that’s true of any excess calories. Besides, not all of the sugars in the fruits listed are high in fructose. Aside from that, your liver is prolly the single most important organ you have for assisting muscle gain or fat loss. Keeping it’s glycogen stores topped up ensures you stay in the best anabolic environment possible, and also helps you detox all of life’s daily assaults on your liver.
The lack of veggies should not be a worry as long as your getting plenty of whole fruits. You’ll be getting lots of fiber, vitamins, and beneficial phytonutrients from the fruit.
Acer, first of all this is a mass gain (bulking) diet, not a cutting diet. It’s true that excess fructose is not good for you. Excess means more fructose than your liver AND your muscles need. In other words if you’re training hard (depleting muscle glycogen) and you eat fructose, sure your liver will get first pass at the fructose. But any left overs will then fill muscle stores. AFTER liver and muscle have had their fill, then the rest may get stored as fat, but that’s true of any excess calories. Besides, not all of the sugars in the fruits listed are high in fructose. Aside from that, your liver is prolly the single most important organ you have for assisting muscle gain or fat loss. Keeping it’s glycogen stores topped up ensures you stay in the best anabolic environment possible, and also helps you detox all of life’s daily assaults on your liver.
The lack of veggies should not be a worry as long as your getting plenty of whole fruits. You’ll be getting lots of fiber, vitamins, and beneficial phytonutrients from the fruit.