sample diets...
Here are some diet plans inspired by and used by EF members.
The crazy thing about diets are that they don't all work for all people and even if they do they still work differently. So your best direction is to keep a daily diary of what you eat and your water throughout the day and take note as to how feel when you wake, after you eat, when you are hungry or if you are not, and how you feel just before bed. Another good practice is to take your body temp upon waking and log it in your food diary.
FITDAY as it was mentioned is a great place to learn about food, calories and ratios of protein, fats and carbs.
Unless you're doing cardio on an empty stomach in the AM - strive to put food in your mouth as soon as you can upon waking. Can't stomach a meal - eat a hardboiled egg or two before you shower - hate eggs - eat nuts - eat something - whatever you can stomach until you get used eating first thing. As time goes on then you can focus on either a full meal or if the food choice is poor you can improve the food choice.
Drink water - lots of of it! Investing in some bottles (Nalgene is good) and straws - straws make it easier to drink more faster, aim for 1oz per pound you weigh. 128oz=1 gallon which btw is 8lbs.
You may see a rise in the scale the first few days of drinking water - don't freak - just keep drinking, your body will let it go.
Meal 1
5 Egg Whites, 1 Whole Egg
1/4-1/2 cup Cream of Wheat or Oatmeal (made w/water, cinnamon, splenda)
Meal 2
Protein Shake w/ water or skim milk (check your calories)
Meal 3
4-6oz chicken, turkey or fish
3oz potato/yam (small to medium)
Fat Source (almonds 10-15)
Meal 4
4oz chicken, turkey or fish
Green Veggie (unlimited)
Meal 5
Protein Shake (after workout) w/ water or skim milk (check your calories)
Meal 6
4oz chicken, turkey or fish
Green Veggie (unlimited)
Fat Source - 1tbsp Olive Oil
Meal 1
5 Egg Whites, 1 Whole Egg – optional frozen spinach cooked
1/2 Cup Oatmeal or Cream of Wheat
Meal 2
Cottage Cheese – not fat free get the regular one
Unlimited Green veggies or 6 medium strawberries or 15-20 blueberries (you will have to see how your body responses to diets w/ fruit)
Meal 3
4oz chicken, turkey or fish
Unlimited Green Veggies
Fat Source – 1tbsp Olive Oil or 10-15 Almonds
If you are fatigued add a small potato or yam or 1/3 cup rice brown or white
Meal 4
Protein Shake (after workout) w/ water or skim milk (check your calories)
Meal 5
4oz – chicken, turkey or fish
Unlimited Green Veggies
Fat Source - 1tbsp Olive Oil
Meal 6 (optional)
Protein Shake (after workout) 1/2 water 1/2 skim milk (check your calories)
Meal 1
Protein shake w/ water and berries (6 med strawberries – 10-15 blueberries)
10-15 Almonds
Meal 3
Baby spinach leaves (unlimited) with 4-6 sliced strawberries, 10-15 blueberries
4-6 oz – chicken, turkey or fish
small to med- yam, potato or 1/3 cup rice
1 tbsp Olive Oil & Balsamic Vinegar
Meal 4
Protein shake w/ water and berries (6 med strawberries – 10-15 blueberries)
Meal 5
6 oz chicken, turkey or fish
small yam, potato or 1/3 cup of rice
Unlimited green veggies
And lastly a basic shopping list:
cream of wheat
sweet potato/yams
rice brown/white
cottage cheese (this doesn't work for everyone)
all green veggies
peppers (red yellow too)
egg white protein powder
whey protien powder
pea protein powder
lean beef
almonds, walnuts, pecans
peanut butter (this works for a lot of people)
olive oil (salads/ veggies)
Fruits - (some people can diet with them some can't)
bananas (small and very much on occasion)
Avoid anything processed, white or prepacked in a box (except some brands of rice)