aren't you a personal trainer? how can you generalize and say that this is the best for everyone? i've found that i can move the most weight on barbell, just cause i don't have to worry about all the stabilization issues. and in order to build the biggest foundation, your chest needs to see high poundages. and the only way to move 450 lbs, is with barbells, they dont' make no 225 lbs dumbells, and if they did, you'd have to waste half your energy with bullshit like getting them into position before you could even start. don't get me wrong, i do dumbells. but workouts where i used all dumbells, 150 lb dumbells on flat, 140's on incline, etc, have always sucked. the only way i can get thoroughly sore is by doing a heavy barbell for at least one exercise, whether it's incline, flat or decline. then i move onto dumbells and flies once i've exposed my chest to extreme poundages.