Good post. I agree totaly.JOKER47 said:
BB bench pressing with BAD form is unsafe. BB benching with GOOD form is a safe an any excercise out there.
This is not directed soley at you, Nelson. It's directed to everyone that is saying the same thing. You just happen to say it first, so I replied to your post.
I've been weight training for 15+ years and always rotate flat barbell bench into my workouts. Maybe there are better ways of building a good chest, but I'm not really building anymore. The flat bench gets me more exciting about working out then any other lift, it's why I train.
Flat barbell bench press
These are the reasons I go to the gym. Not everyone has the same goals or reasons for what we do. I'm always looking to increase my numbers.
If you want to bench and limit potential shoulder damage go over to the powerlifting forum and read the sticky on the movement. My shoulders are fine, and that's after thousands of reps on the flat bench.