b fold the truth Elite Strongman Platinum Jul 3, 2002 #11 If you are playing football, as with any strength sport...you need to worry more about strength and speed than if you can see your abs... B True
If you are playing football, as with any strength sport...you need to worry more about strength and speed than if you can see your abs... B True
A Advaik Guest Jul 3, 2002 #12 A wise man once said that if you work less than what you can do, you will lose what you have. If you work at what you can do, you will keep what you have. If you work beyond what you can do, you will gain more than you ever thought.
A wise man once said that if you work less than what you can do, you will lose what you have. If you work at what you can do, you will keep what you have. If you work beyond what you can do, you will gain more than you ever thought.