New member
Please let me know if this seems right. I'm in my 3rd month now (started to notice strength gains again this past week) and have just added wrist curls because much of my failure on upper body excercises is because of forearm pain. I try to shoot for 3 sets of 12 reps per excercise...if it's not difficult at the 10th rep I will increase weight for the next set (I'm keeping a journal with comments if that day's weight was heavy or light). Any comments will be appreciated. We (hubby's training me) will substitute a similar excercise for a body part every couple of weeks but this is what I did this past week...
Day 1 - Back/Triceps
Close Grip Pulldowns
90/12, 90/12, 90/12
Hammerstrength High Row
90/12, 100/12, 100/12
Skull Crushers on Smith Machine
20/12, 25/12, 25/12
Lying Tricep Extension Dumbell
8/12, 8/12, 10/12
Cable Tricep Pulldown
20/12, 20/12, 20/12
T-Bar Rows *
25/12, 25/12, 25/12
* or
Gravitron Wide Grip Pull-Ups
Lowering assistence gradually…3 sets of 12 or until failure…usually struggling around 10th rep.
Day 2 - Abs, Shoulders & Forearms
Rotary Torso
Right to Left 60/12, 60/12, 60/12
Left to Right 60/12, 60/12, 60/12
Nautilus Ab Machine
80/12, 80/12, 80/12
Side Bends (no weight)
Right Side 25, 25, 25
Left Side 25, 25, 25
Rear Delts on Reverse Pec Deck
50/12, 50/12, 50/12
Nautilus Overhead Press
60/12, 60/10, 60/12
Dumbell Shoulder Laterals
10/12, 10/12, 10/12
Dumbell Wrist Curls (just added in)
Inner 10/20, 10/20, 10/20
Outer 10/15, 10/15, 10/15
Day 3 - Chest & Biceps
Incline Dumbell Flys
20/12, 22.5/12, 22.5/12
Smith Machine Flat Bench (or Olympic Freeweight Flat Bench…just learning)
50/12, 50/12, 50/12
Cable Crossovers
30/12, 35/12, 35/11
Hammerstrength Curl
35/10, 35/6->25/4, 25/10 (heavy)
Standing Dumbell Curl
15/12, 15/12, 15/12
Cable Curls with EZ Curl Bar
50/12, 50/12, 50/12
Day 4 - Legs
Hack Squat
50/12, 50/12, 50/12
Leg Extensions
95/12, 95/12, 95/12
Hip Abduction
65/12 80/12 80/12
Hip Adduction
110/12, 125/12, 125/12
Seated Leg Curls
95/12, 95/1,2 95/12
Seated Calf (both legs at the same time)
90/12, 90/12, 90/11
Free Motion Calf
Right 400/9, 340/12, 360/12
Left 400/9, 340/12, 360/12
Was finding a good weight…360 or 380 seems best.
Butt Blaster
50/12, 50/12, 50/12
Day 5 - Abs Only
Nautilus Ab Machine
80/12, 80/12, 80/12
Suspended Leg Raises/Alternate Sides or Middle
3 sets until failure…usually around 25-30 reps each set…I fail because I get weak suspending myself up on my arms.
3 sets until failure…usually 30-35 reps each set, nose pointed straight up looking at ceiling.
Day 1 - Back/Triceps
Close Grip Pulldowns
90/12, 90/12, 90/12
Hammerstrength High Row
90/12, 100/12, 100/12
Skull Crushers on Smith Machine
20/12, 25/12, 25/12
Lying Tricep Extension Dumbell
8/12, 8/12, 10/12
Cable Tricep Pulldown
20/12, 20/12, 20/12
T-Bar Rows *
25/12, 25/12, 25/12
* or
Gravitron Wide Grip Pull-Ups
Lowering assistence gradually…3 sets of 12 or until failure…usually struggling around 10th rep.
Day 2 - Abs, Shoulders & Forearms
Rotary Torso
Right to Left 60/12, 60/12, 60/12
Left to Right 60/12, 60/12, 60/12
Nautilus Ab Machine
80/12, 80/12, 80/12
Side Bends (no weight)
Right Side 25, 25, 25
Left Side 25, 25, 25
Rear Delts on Reverse Pec Deck
50/12, 50/12, 50/12
Nautilus Overhead Press
60/12, 60/10, 60/12
Dumbell Shoulder Laterals
10/12, 10/12, 10/12
Dumbell Wrist Curls (just added in)
Inner 10/20, 10/20, 10/20
Outer 10/15, 10/15, 10/15
Day 3 - Chest & Biceps
Incline Dumbell Flys
20/12, 22.5/12, 22.5/12
Smith Machine Flat Bench (or Olympic Freeweight Flat Bench…just learning)
50/12, 50/12, 50/12
Cable Crossovers
30/12, 35/12, 35/11
Hammerstrength Curl
35/10, 35/6->25/4, 25/10 (heavy)
Standing Dumbell Curl
15/12, 15/12, 15/12
Cable Curls with EZ Curl Bar
50/12, 50/12, 50/12
Day 4 - Legs
Hack Squat
50/12, 50/12, 50/12
Leg Extensions
95/12, 95/12, 95/12
Hip Abduction
65/12 80/12 80/12
Hip Adduction
110/12, 125/12, 125/12
Seated Leg Curls
95/12, 95/1,2 95/12
Seated Calf (both legs at the same time)
90/12, 90/12, 90/11
Free Motion Calf
Right 400/9, 340/12, 360/12
Left 400/9, 340/12, 360/12
Was finding a good weight…360 or 380 seems best.
Butt Blaster
50/12, 50/12, 50/12
Day 5 - Abs Only
Nautilus Ab Machine
80/12, 80/12, 80/12
Suspended Leg Raises/Alternate Sides or Middle
3 sets until failure…usually around 25-30 reps each set…I fail because I get weak suspending myself up on my arms.
3 sets until failure…usually 30-35 reps each set, nose pointed straight up looking at ceiling.