QS Sis...per your request....plus, anyone feel free to comment on.
Stats....as of last week.... 5'4", 145lbs, 18%BF (wow....BF up 3%! yuck! Luckily, I added lots of muscle too....)
This is what I am starting Monday, Feb 16th, 2004....12 weeks out from an NPC Figure Comp May 15, 2004 (Reno, NV). I plan to follow this without modification UNLESS needed. As long as I am losing fat, I won't change it - but if fat loss stalls, I will chage diet and/or training.
Cardio, 6d/wk
M/W/F 30m HIIT Stepmill (5m WU, 5m CD, 1m on 1m off for 20m)
T/Th/Sat First Thing AM 30m Mod-Int
Weights, 3d/wk
T - Ch/Ba
Th - Sh/Bi/Tri
Sa - Legs
*Lifting is heavy, close to failure ~8-10 reps
Meal 1: 1/2c Cream of Wheat, 5 Egg Whites, 1 Whole Egg, Low Carb Tortilla (La Tortilla Factory)
Meal 2: Protein Shake
Meal 3: 4-6oz Chicken or Lean Beef, Green Veggie
Meal 4: Protein Shake, Almonds
Meal 5: 4-6oz Chicken or Lean Beef, Green Veggie
Meal 6: PW/Bedtime Protein Shake
*Thinking I need to have starchy carb in Meal 3 instead, or in addition to Veggie.
*Green Veggie - green beans, asparagus or brocolli
This is what I am thinking right now, put together quickly. Thoughts....................?
Stats....as of last week.... 5'4", 145lbs, 18%BF (wow....BF up 3%! yuck! Luckily, I added lots of muscle too....)
This is what I am starting Monday, Feb 16th, 2004....12 weeks out from an NPC Figure Comp May 15, 2004 (Reno, NV). I plan to follow this without modification UNLESS needed. As long as I am losing fat, I won't change it - but if fat loss stalls, I will chage diet and/or training.
Cardio, 6d/wk
M/W/F 30m HIIT Stepmill (5m WU, 5m CD, 1m on 1m off for 20m)
T/Th/Sat First Thing AM 30m Mod-Int
Weights, 3d/wk
T - Ch/Ba
Th - Sh/Bi/Tri
Sa - Legs
*Lifting is heavy, close to failure ~8-10 reps
Meal 1: 1/2c Cream of Wheat, 5 Egg Whites, 1 Whole Egg, Low Carb Tortilla (La Tortilla Factory)
Meal 2: Protein Shake
Meal 3: 4-6oz Chicken or Lean Beef, Green Veggie
Meal 4: Protein Shake, Almonds
Meal 5: 4-6oz Chicken or Lean Beef, Green Veggie
Meal 6: PW/Bedtime Protein Shake
*Thinking I need to have starchy carb in Meal 3 instead, or in addition to Veggie.
*Green Veggie - green beans, asparagus or brocolli
This is what I am thinking right now, put together quickly. Thoughts....................?