Funny how things happen. I work with two lovely women (they keep me sane); the crazy sweet potato lady and the Brazilian hottie. Well, the hottie had a couple of tickets for the show Stomp and asked if I would like to go. So I shouted dinner (grilled fish, veggies, a couple glasses white wine) and we went to see the show. I used to be a big fan of anything like that; dance, musicals, ballet and I had forgotten how happy it makes me feel.
Saturday morning, my friend called asking if the boys wanted to go to the pub while we went shopping. With nothing better to do on a rainy Saturday, I dropped P at the pub and we window shopped on designer row. Unfortunately, being the character she is (though I love her) she made me try on some dresses (how do you piss Mermaid off? take her shopping to try on dresses, LOL) and it was funny to see the young trendy shop assistants watch in horror as my friend pulls me out of the changing room into the main store to look in the "big" mirror at Mermaid who has squeezed herself into a size 8 (the biggest they do), boobs popping out all over the show, lily white limbs excentuated by the black fabric.
What was, as you can imagine, an absolutely horrifying moment for me in the middle of a serious mind fuck self esteem crisis actually turned out OK when my friend (the one who helped me buy bras and has seen me in all my glory) turned to me and said "wow, you have really lost weight and I can see some muscle there". The assistants just looked at eachother with a "OMG, she must have been big" look but I didn't care. Then smiling sweetly, one of them said that Paris Hilton bought a similar dress when she was last here (though I expect 4 sizes smaller) and then I just wanted to get the damn thing off as quickly as possible because who, in their right mind, wants to look like Paris Hilton anyway? I'd rather be fat than a tramp. Well I'm too old for a tramp, more like mutton.
So, back to the pub. The boys were drunk and I wanted to go home. But no, the party carried on at my friend's house (how do you piss Mermaid off? Put her in a room full of drunk people, while she's sober, playing Garth Brooks and Alan Jackson on full volume). One of the guys was so ill, he vomited (not P). I offered to clean up, (I know like some strange Japanese torture) because I needed to remember and realise how crappy drinking is. I had 2 vodka soda and stopped there.
Yesterday, I gave myself a day to eat whatever I wanted. I baked ready made apple cobbler and ate it straight from the foil carton with a big spoon (typical binge behaviour) and got some Mexican take out which actually made me feel very ill. I caught up on most of the logs on EF, which always makes me happy and went to bed early. And today, is a public holiday (Queen's birthday - The Aussies hate the monarchy but have a day off to celebrate her coronation - not even the Brits do that) so I've just popped 2 CB and I'm going to the gym.
I really have been overwhelmed by the support I have on this board and it is always welcome, always appreciated and I love you girls for it. Thank you so much