10-27-2003 ME sq/dl
warmup (trying new stuff)
sled mill 4x50 steps
1st set with blue band on my belt, so it pulls me down and back
2nd set same
3rd set blue band, and then mini band around my ankles
4th set blue band, then then purple band around my ankles
inverse leg curl 3x3 (these are incredibly hard, much much harder then glut hams)
standing abs triple set- 5 reps on 3 differnt planes, forward, left side, then right side
landmine 1x20
speed pulls 6x1@405
roller hyper 3x10
shrugs 245x15, 335x15, 425x10
ab work on back attack 4 sets with lots of bands
ultra wide sumo pulls 5x1 @ 315
box jumps (just messing around)
1x fall off 30inch box, i jumped up high enough but my left leg missed and i fell, lol, lots of laughing and people saying WTF ensued.
3x1 @ 30 inch box
1x1 @31 inch
1x1@32 inch
1x1@33 inch
1x1 @ 34 inch
stopped there so i dont do too much, im sure i could have jumped even higher had i done these at the beginning. these are very interesting and i want to incorporate them into my training.
finished up with lots of stretching....
did alot of stuff today, nothing really taxing though, trying out some stuff i want to add in the near future.