10-4-2003 MM bench seminar w/ bill crawford
after warming up raw we did some shirt work
550xmiss (as bill said " i fucked the dog on this one" lol, i wasnt used to the support and the throw and catch technigue and didnt stay with the weight, and it flew towards my face.)
550x1 got set up good and nailed the fuck out of it.
605xmiss fucked the dog again, lol. the bar wanted to smash me in the face today
605x1 (5lb pr) set up really well on this one, tried to arch harder and benched it pretty strong. when i locked it out, bill screamed for me to double it, i wasnt ready for that lol, and lost all my air, my arch went down some, and only got the weight half way up, i fucked the dog twice on that rep.
635xmiss starting to get tired here, my arms ache, i pushed it up about 2 inches. when i got off the bench bill asked me if i felt i gave 100% on that one, i of course said no, lol. note: no one ever aks me this, and this got me really fired up.
635xmiss this one i was fired up, and pushed it up about 4 inches lol. closer than before, but i was worn out to lock it out.
after this bill gave a quick demo on how to do boards with the throw and catch technique. then we moved onto rack lockouts....
worked up to 405x3 at a lower rack setting, id say i was pressing about 9 inches. this reminds me dont to rack lockouts with people who are almost foot shorter than you, lol. my shoulder really started to hurt on this becuase it was low, so i stopped there. ive dont them higher with a 4 inch rom and they dont hurt then so im not dropping lockout, im just going to do them higher.
after this we did some pushdowns and sat around and talked with bill for a while.
overall i had a great time, and felt it was a very productive day. i learned i kinda like arching and having my feet under me, and im going to start working with this more. this was the day i needed for my confidence, as i have been really down about my bench training lately.