Tiger Salman Khan Chairman Member Chairman Member Nov 17, 2021 #11 Would recommend you to visit a doctor.....
Nelson Montana Chairman of Board Chairman Member Nov 18, 2021 #12 Gargle with Listerine and hydrogen peroxide. Follow with honey. It works.
RickV Chairman of Board Chairman Member Nov 18, 2021 #13 Never heard of any steroids causing sire throat man this has to be a bacterial or viral infection. Check with your doctor before using steroids!
Never heard of any steroids causing sire throat man this has to be a bacterial or viral infection. Check with your doctor before using steroids!
MasonicBodybuilder Moderator Chairman Member Nov 19, 2021 #14 Not the cycle directly but your immune system on cycle is not up to par with where it is off cycle. That could lead to you just getting a cold.
Not the cycle directly but your immune system on cycle is not up to par with where it is off cycle. That could lead to you just getting a cold.