I incorporated Vitamin C into my regimen today. Vitamin C enhances oxygen transport in your body, in part because it boosts your absorption of iron. Your body cannot deliver oxygen to cells without iron because iron is needed to form oxygen-transporting hemoglobin. Cells require oxygen in order to turn food into energy, move and reproduce, hence, the more oxygen you supply your muscle with the more the food you eat will be utilized and not wasted, which is ideal for building muscle. Also, more of a supply of oxygen aids in cell repair, and the raising of ATP, which are both great enablers for building muscle. I personally use
ESTER C because it has a 400% better absorption rate than regular Vitamin C.
I mashed the f*ck out of delts today. I picked three exercises and hit front, side, and rear. Did 12 sets and left the scene in one piece. I'm not going to disclose the weight I used because I don't want to discourage anyone

Weight is unimportant anyway, mechanics, isolation, and reps were my main objectives.
High volume
Seated Military Press: 4x15. If you don't feel it on the way down then go home and watch reruns of Mork & Mindy because you are wasting your time and probably wasting the person's time who is waiting to use the military press..
Side Lateral raise (machine): 4x15. Went up enough to where my delts just barely contracted and back down to where they were not relaxed. Constant tension was applied to isolate the delts..
Barbell Rear Delt Row: 4x15 Used the same method for rear delts as for side..
Not on any drugs yet; so I'm keeping it simple and trying to gain back muscle naturally, and trying not to overtrain. So far so good..
Diet dialed in: 6 meals a day. 40 grams of protein and 25 grams of carbs per meal. Will up 10 grams each once I feel my body has adapted and growth has stopped. Slowly climbing the slope in order to make solid gains without overloading my system with doing everything at once. I will integrate things on how I feel and look.
No hurry, I have plenty of time to look totally awesome!!