I been gone for a while and I noticed being back for 10 days that a lot vets are gone now. Not that join dates mean anything, but it appears a lot steroid board mythology is being peddled here. The biggest thing that I noticed is that people still believe there are certain drugs for cutting and certain drugs for bulking, that is by far the biggest AAS fallacy.
There are no such things as "cut" drugs or "bulk" drugs. One can diet on any drug, and one can bulk on any drug. Just some drugs "aromatize" more than others. Diet, training, and cardio dictate whether a person gets ripped or bulks up.
I told this story 1,000 times and I will tell it another 1,000 times if I can find "one" receptive heart who will understand. I met Dennis Newman right after he won the Nationals in 1994. He was the guest poser at the Mr. Ohio. He was nice enough to talk to my friends and I about steroid use. Newman asserted himself without hesitation. He said, "don't believe there are certain drugs for cutting and certain drugs for bulking, you can diet and bulk on any drug." After 20 years of taking Newman's advice through trial and error, I would have to say Newman was/is spot on..
I know people who get ripped on drols and test, and I mean shredded. I personally put on 20 pounds taking only winny tabs and mast one time.
I hope this helped someone??
Thank you...like myth busters!
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