I was reading an article on the net and I believe it was Louie Simmons that said to bench 500lbs., you need to have the lat strength and delt strength of a 500lb bencher (tricep strength being a given). I guess the point was your only as good as your weakest link.
I was just curious what kind of weight do the 400lb+ benchers on this board use for lat work like chest supported rows. I normally do a couple of sets with 5 X 45's on the chest supported row for maybe 6-8 reps and my bench right now is 385lb. I was thinking of pushing the lat work harder (either more weight or more sets)on ME day right after tris. I'd like to have 405@205 by year end.
Any input would be great.
I was just curious what kind of weight do the 400lb+ benchers on this board use for lat work like chest supported rows. I normally do a couple of sets with 5 X 45's on the chest supported row for maybe 6-8 reps and my bench right now is 385lb. I was thinking of pushing the lat work harder (either more weight or more sets)on ME day right after tris. I'd like to have 405@205 by year end.
Any input would be great.