Im 23. And I'm not acting immature at all. That roid rage above is. And what's wrong with BBQ chicken? I'm just cooking it over a fire. I understand the milk. Atleast im drinking 1% i need to cut back. Im just asking about my size growth. Iv have had no sighs of anything, beside my balls getting smaller that's it. And I'm only asking becuz I feel I havnt grow much yet. Strength is up. Limbo is up. Have a boner 24/7. Maybe I just need to wait till week 6 or 7.
And burn you should try laying off the juice a little. I have not be rude or rejected anything advice you have given me. But I'm already 5 weeks into my cycle and not gunna change it now. It's learning for next time. Not like I'm Wasting your time or money
Im not on juice...kid. You have no fucking idea what your doing kid. It gets old seeing it day after day. "im not gonna change now" <<< that's not immature? That's called I'm going to do what I want when I want and fuck advice from people that have forgotten more about AAS than you know presently.
Have some tar though.