OK.. you've asked for them, so here goes nothing.
Please allow me to give you a little bit of background. As a kid growing up I was very unathletic.. always the slowest kid, certainly the weakest kid my size. I remember in 6th grade I ran the mile in 16 minutes. Not good. When I was 18, the last time I ever weighed myself I was 285, when I decided to change I was probably considerably more than that, who knows. If I can find some and scan some pics I will eventually post them. They are pretty bad.
I did a no carb diet and lost the weight all the way down to 170s, felt unhealthy quite that low, and have pretty much maintained in the 185-195 range since then. Looked decent in a shirt, quite skinny fat underneath.
I found a muscle media in a hotel room I was staying in probably around '03, right after the first body for life, and I began learning so much about lifting, reading every flex, every muscle and fitness every muscle media, muscular development, body-for-life, whatever I could find. Only problem was I wasn't very disciplined with the important part, the working out. I ended up putting on some weight from 1 too many myoplexes and cell techs without busting my ass for more than 10 weeks at a time without quitting for at least as many weeks at a time. And once I seemed to start to transform, I always somehow gave in to the devil on my shoulder urging me to quit! I was also easily discouraged by how much weaker I was than everyone in the gym..how all my training partners would breeze past me even though I would do everything right when focused. I used whatever it was that separated me from them as an excuse.
Never stopped really having a passion for the lifting though, constantly educating myself, except mostly now through message boards and online fitness communities. Finally this past September I decided it was time to get serious. I couldn't let my entire youth of my existence on this planet pass me by without ever seeing my abs. I couldn't let my life lapse by without knowing what it is like to actually lift some serious weight.
I am completely commited to my goals. I am dedicated. I am a new man on my way. Battle 1, is to eliminate destroy the obesity that damaged by teens and still keeps me from liking what I see in the mirror. Battle 2, is to head on attack the weakness and lack of athleticism that to some extent my own genetics and to some extent my own laziness and lack of effort by building true strength. Battle 3 is all about getting my hypertrophy on.
OK enough rambling and excuses. On to the progress pics... (feedback is cool, just don't be too harsh please, this is a tough thing for me to do)... and also remember... I KNOW I'VE GOT A LONG WAY TO GO, I *WILL* GET THERE! I am about to turn 26 and I can honestly say though that I am in the best shape of my life. I can't wait for 27.