Kabeetz said:Dude... you can ABSOLUTELY ABSOLUTELY cut with moderate amounts of carbs. Low carb dieting is not the only way to go.
2500 calories a day coming in, way more being burned daily.
I was 300 pounds of fat when I was 18 years old. I probably know 10% of all things lifting, but what I definitely know is what works for me when I am trying to cut.
Your goal is to get into contest shape and win a contest and I am very proud of you and love reading about you chasing your goal. If I wanted to get to under 10% bf I would eliminate all carbs as well. That's not my goal though. If I lose anywhere from .25 of a pound to 2.5 pounds a week, I consider that a win. Anything more and I know I'm in a highly catabolic state.
you my friend are ABSOLUTLEY CORRECT and it's all a maatter of BMR, cal in vs out, goal, etc. I WAS EXTREEEMELY OUT OF LINE...........I retract everything I said......you have made huge progress and 1lb a week is HUGE!!! I thought your goals were different, but now I realize you want to be strong and in good shape (which you are btw)........I agreee with everything you said and it has been a pleasure reading your log.....again, forgive me, it's the clomid (ummm....yeah right) that was talking....eat up, enjoy life, and you'll hit your goals but not with assholes like me making dumb ass remarks.......I am 1111110% supportive! I wish you the best brutha!