Rainbows said:
shrimp alfredo and blizzards from DQ? Not gonna work brotha. Try subsituting omlettes, that works great and you can add lots of healthy ingreds to them
well, the craziness is over (thank god!), and I can finally get back into my normal routine.
here was the plan:
firehouse on Thursday the 22nd. Leave at 7am friday morning. Hop in the car with the wife and my new 5 month old baby girl. Drive to West Virginia (6-7 hour drive without babies). Meet up with my wifes sister and her 10 month old twins, and about 17 other people. Set up camp. Get up early Saturday and go with the boys whitewater rafting for 7 hours. Go back to camp, pack up, and hit the road to return since I am back on shift sunday, and also have a double header baseball game that I got trade time for.
Saturday and Sunday are my "rest days", so only gonna miss my friday workout, which I planned to do on thursday in the afternoon after doing my normal workout in the AM. Friday is also my cheat meal, but planned on not really cheating since I was gonna be faced with limited choices while camping/rafting.
Well, here is what happened.
Thursday (firehouse)
AM cardio, empty stomach (HIT) for 40 min.
meal #1 = Oats/protein powder meal
Killed shoulders! Standing military barebell press, worked up to 185#'s for 8 reps (a new best for me since I have bad shoulders). Shrugs on the smith machine, upright rows, dumbell lateral raises, front raises, cable rear delt raises, and a new excercise I tried which is similar to a seated cable row for back, but with the rope and pull to my nose....hits the rear delts pretty good.
meal #2= protein shake
meal #3 = sit down to a chicken breast with some brown rice when we catch a run.
Fire at an industrial plant that we go to all the time. They make food products along with animal feed. They have fires in the huge hoppers all the time. The have a sate of the art steam suppression system, along with their own fire personel who really knows what is going on.....we usually just go as backup. Well, same deal, we show up alot of smoke, but we never see any fire. They got 6 guys trapped on a roof and have a couple hand lines protecting them. Our truck puts its stick up and plucks them, all is good.......except, they cant get the fire out. Its 92 degrees out, with high humidity. We are in full gear plus packs. We hang around wainting for their system to cool these hoppers, and the 7...yes 7 floors that are affected. Each floor has a temp gauge on the door telling us the temp inside. My crew is sent to investigate each floor when the room falls below 200 degrees. Glad I did my cardio and shoulders! So after walking the stairs, carrying 100#'s of our highrise pack (hose), we get everything checked out. Their system finally does the job, and after 6 hours on the scene, working our asses off, and not even getting any fire to show for it, I'm done! I down about 8 bottles of water the last hour on the scene, and back at the house.....still 7lbs lighter than before the run.
So, shower, clean gear, and finish my luch that has been sitting on the table since noon. lol
meal #4 scoop of PB before heading to bed....
Luckily no more runs that night, and get a good 9 hours of sleep (thats strange)
head home, wife has everything packed and ready to go, just gotta load it and head.
meal #1= oats/protein mix
on the road by 9 am. A few stops to feed/clean the baby, but otherwise she does great and we make really good time considering she is 5 months old and she didnt sleep much
Meal #2 Protein shake while I watch the baby get the boob (jealous)
meal #3 2 McD's grilled chicken sadwiches, toss the bread and wrap in some lettuce I brought.
arrive at campsite at 5pm. The group left at 6 am, and we were to catch up with them at the site.......they arent there. Luckily they let us check in. We set up camp, and an hour or so later the rest start to arrive.
Meal #4= 6 of us go out to a local diner.
grilled chicken dinner, the chick is pretty small, so I get a grilled chicken sadwich on top of this and toss the bread . Side of green beans, and another side of black beans. Diet coke
early morning wakeup call for the rafting trip, so off to bed in our new tent at 10:30ish (plus driving just wears me out, on top of my ass kicking at work the day before)
1am, thunderstorm roll in (ofcourse they do) Im talking lightning, hail,wind, the whole deal. The baby does great throughout! She wakes up, but is just checking everything out. Now mom on the other hand, well, she doesnt do so good with storms. So I spend the rest of my night trying to calm her down. sleep somewhere between 4am and the 5 am alarm. NICE!!!
They are serving us a buffet breakfast.
Meal#1= a bigass plate of scrambled eggs, and 1 tiny piece of bacon (I love bacon!) and a glass of 2%milk
meal #2. Mix 1/2 cup oats I brought in my shaker with my protein shake as we board the bus at 7:30. They are serving lunch to us on the river, and I have no idea what it is.
paddle, paddle, fall in, swim, paddle some more ect.
meal #3. They have lunch meat, PB and J, fruit, and some veggies and dip.
Make myself a few good size wraps using roast beef, turkey, cheese, lettuce, peppers.....a scoop of PB, and some assorted veggies. Not bad.
back on the water.
paddle, swim, paddle, fall in, paddle...you get it.
Back to camp, the wife has us packed up....say goodbyes, and we are off!
meal 4= another local dive. 7 oz sirloin, steamed veggies, salad, diet coke. Baby gets the tit in front of me.....again! when is my turn?
home by 2 am, bed by 2:30
Sunday (firehouse)\
no AM cardio
meal#1 oats/protein
meal #2 protein shake as my trade time guy arrives and I head out the door for baseball.
Meal #3 protein bar (whole oats with 20g protein) in about the 5th and 6th inning of game 1.
We win 7-1 against a team full of college players from Butler/Ball State/Purdue/IU, and they have been talking shit since our team (average age of about 38) decided to play in the college league. Felt good, but need to ice everything cause it all hurts, but cant show them this.
3-4 no RBI's, caught stealing...really and ugly 3 hits, but I'll take em.
2nd game gets rained out, head back to the firehouse.
missed 2 runs, but non eventfull I'm told.
meal 4 spaghetti with meat sauce. I add my whole wheat spaghetti instead of theirs, and eat a small portion. salad
meal 4= chicken breast, some green beans.
In bed by 10pm, No runs all night!!!!! Doesnt happen often, but this was a great night for it too, cause my ass is whipped.
Home by 8 am
meal #1= you guessed it, oats/protein milk
workout= chest.
Decline barbell is first up (I cant do flat because of my shoulder, but can do incline and decline no problem because of the angle.) I'm still tired so decide to go more reps. 8 or more for every set. work up to 305#, but only get 7 with a little help.
Incline Dumbells
4 sets up to 105#'s, but only get those 6 times (so much for 8+ reps huh)
3 sets of weighted wide grip dips
and cable flye's from the low position
meal #2= protein shake I brought with me, because the wife went to the inlaws with the baby, and the Y has a pool!!! with milfs/highschool chicks for me to stare at while I sip my protein shake and sun myself!
Meal 3= chicken breast with corn, diet coke
meal 4= dinner is gonna be grilled salmon with asparagus, salad. probably throw in a scoop of ANPB at some point tonght too.
sorry this was so long (and probably boring) I will be back to the grind this whole week, and able to keep updated!