I am new to the board. I have never thought about power-lifting but I have guys tell me that I am pretty strong for my size? Was just wondering how my numbers stack up to guys who really powerlift? 34 years old never juiced (AS OF YET
) 5'11 204-207lbs (depending on when my last shit) I am very lean I know at least 7-8% BF.
Bench 405 regular Somedays maybe a little more
Squat just hit 545 for three this morning (parallel)
Dead lift (just started back 2 months ago 455 for 5
Just being curious? Average?

Bench 405 regular Somedays maybe a little more
Squat just hit 545 for three this morning (parallel)
Dead lift (just started back 2 months ago 455 for 5
Just being curious? Average?