nah...i don't fawk around with that stuff.
took 2 cardio breeze this workout once again lol (shhhhh tre) felt a little something something but not much...which is fine. i don't want to be overwhelmed...after i have this cup of coffee it will def kick in big time
yesterdays training
standing ohp on smith- 85x15, 105x12, 125x10 eeeehhh called it quits on this...lower back was not agreeing but i missed this lift so i decided to try it.
bent over laterals 25x15, 30x12, 35x8 next time i'll prob jus stick with the 30's...felt too much cheating with the 35's
front raises 25x15, 30x12, 35x8
side laterals 30x15, 35x12, 40x8
barbell shrugs 185x15, 225x12, 225x12
hanging leg rasies 3x20
10 minutes on ellipitcal