yeah i keep telling myself i'm going to post pics but i feel the same way...
yesterday's training
- hammer strength bp 1 warm up set 3x15,12,6
- flat flyes 25x15, 30x12, 35,10 45 second rest in between
- dips 3x15,12,12 the dip bars at my gym fawking blow!!! it's this huge contraption and you have to climb up it to get going. the bars are spaced way too wide....pretty sure on normal bars i could get like 18.
- cgbp 145x10
- 50 wide grip pullups took 6 sets i think
- seated rows 120x15, 140x12, 160x10
wanted ti bump it up to 180 and go for a pr but i decided to wait for next week. def getting stronger at these....maybe b/c i've been doing so many pull ups??
- bent over rows on smith 115x15, 135x10, 155x6 stopped after lower back tweakage...was shooting for 8
leg raises 3x15
rope crunches 3x25
5 minutes on elliptical