Leg day today and I was so excited to get in and KILL the logbook! I am so motivated for some reason. I have such a huge passion for training! I am a lucky girl that my husband also shares this passion with me. I think life would be too complicated if he didn't.
My exercises were DB SLDL's for hammies and Leg Presses for quads. Last time I got 90lb. db's for only 7 reps. So this time I did the same weight and got out 8 reps. The difficult part of this set for me is walking out with the db's once I wrap them. I would say 2 steps to get into position so the db's don't hit anything when I'm doing my set. That takes a lot of energy from me. LOL
For leg presses, I was contemplating whether I was gonna stack on 9 plates. I told myself I would decide after my warm-ups sets to see how I was feeling. But after my sldl set, I already knew I was not gonna be able to get the 9 plates. Legs were wobbly already. So next time I will try it.
Legs and Calves
DB SLDL: (8-10SS) (Widowmaker 20SS) TT: 90/8SS LT: 90/7SS
~Widow-Seated Leg Curl: TT: 80/20SS LT: 60/20SS
~Stretch: 75 secs.
We were on a bogus pulldown machine. The cable got stuck a bit and weight feels heavier than should be. booo!
I'll need to switch out DB Rows next time around. The 90's were super, super challenging and I really do not think I can get 95's. Possibly switch this out with T-bar Rows.
Biceps felt good tonight. So happy. I love it when there is hardly any pain. I'm able to train biceps like what I am capable of.
We were on a bogus pulldown machine. The cable got stuck a bit and weight feels heavier than should be. booo!
I'll need to switch out DB Rows next time around. The 90's were super, super challenging and I really do not think I can get 95's. Possibly switch this out with T-bar Rows.
Biceps felt good tonight. So happy. I love it when there is hardly any pain. I'm able to train biceps like what I am capable of.