Thanks for stoppin in SG, it is always so wonderful to hear from you!
I think that what, both, you and bunny have said is very true. One must get into those so called "modes" in order to survive and succeed on BOTH a bulking cycle and a Cutting cycle. One must have tunnel vision to know that there is light at the end of the tunnel and that it doesn't matter what anyone else thinks or says, or what the individual thinks about him/herself for that matter. You must know in your mind that you are ok with what you are doing and be ok and in the end, you will look damn sexier then anyone who makes fun of how you eat, look, etc. That is my two cents for what it is worth. Though, as a caution, it is a TON easier said then done...I will try another, more successful bulking cycle in the winter.
BUT...for now, I will enjoy the cutting process!! heehee - here's to some bad a$$ cutting! Happy cutting to you too SG!!