Gettin Larger I'm really interested in your lifts.
I just put up 260. With most of my improvements happening recently.
I Hit 245 before christmas was able to do 240x2 but I hurt myself on the 245. (weak rotator cuff mabe? started training them like I should have all along).
Finally about a month ago I put up 250. Then 2 weeks later 260. My goal is 275 by the end of june. But I've switched up to dumbell so it might not happen as I get unaccustomed to the bar.
Anyway seeing that our max is similar I'm curious where our other lifts stand.
I don't do all this stuff regulary but I'm listing everything I can remember so theres better chance that you will perform the same movement. When I say x8 thats only the first set after that its usually down hill. (sometimes when its x8 I do manage 9, but usually if I hit 9, next time I lift that weight I up it)
Height: 6"3
Weight: 190
Bench working set: 215x7
Dumbbell Press Working set: 100sx6 (just switched back from bar to these.)
SLDL: 275x8
CURL: 37sx8 (yeah odd weighted dumbbells)
Leg Press: 6x45ibs and a 25ibs on each side x8
Squat: 225x8 its iffy it changes based on how my knee feels. Accutane makes it crack I think which freaks me out I need to pick up a joint complex. Also I don't want the weight to get any higher. I'm afraid heavy squats will build my abs and torso muscles and make me more blocky. (I used to squat upto 275 admittly with fuck shit form and attempted 315 to shock the muscles I failed 3 times in a row dropping the bar onto these makeshift racks splintering would all over was kinda cool).
Shoulder Dumbell Press: 70sx6
Shoulder barbell press: 125x8 (Its lower than my dumbbell press because I use a wider grip, so the dumbell press is where it is because encorporate my tris into the movement more.)
Chins: my weigh 190+50ibs for 8 (I can't seem to improve this anymore, I guess because as I gain muscle weight, this just gets harder aswell. cutting now mabe it will go up as hopefully I lose weight but not muscle)
(chins are underhand close grip, pullups are overhand) (chins just seem to hit my back better since it puts my bis in a stronger position they don't quit before my lats)
Decline press bar press: 225x6 don't do it all the time
Incline dumbbell press: 80x8 (do this later in routine) I do either this or the decline bar never both right now I'm doing this)
Dips: 190+50 x8 Though I really love these, they often cause pain in my left trap, only immediatly after the excersize. I used to do these every chest day, now I rarely do.
Shrugs: 365x?14 changes based on how much pain my thumbs can tolerate. Usually do 2 sets of this then last set at 315. Then occassionally I use a calve machine to finish off my traps since I don't have to worry about my grip.
Tri-press: 150x8 (done on chest day after my other lifts mabe thats why its so sorry?)
Ok your turn.