I'm currently doing a 50/30/20 P/F/C. My roughly calcualted BMR (bodyweight x 12) is around 2400 cals, but I rounded down to 2000 cals to make a small deficit. So I scatter 100 g of carbs through out the day in the following manner
non-WO day
Meal 1 carbs
Meal 2 no carbs
meal 3 carbs
meal 4 no carbs
meal 5 carbs
meal 6 no carbs
meal 7 no carbs
Wo day
meal 1 carbs
meal 2 no carbs
meal 3 no carbs
meal 4 no carbs
meal 5 carbs
meal 6 carbs (post WO)
meal 7 no carbs
meal 1 is between 6:00-7:00 AM at home, so it is controlled, I usually have brown rice and eggs or protein and oatbran shake. Meal 3 is my lunch break and meal 5 is at a time when I can almost always be at my desk, so I usually have brown rice and chicken (yeah, everyday). The times where I might need the bars, or a quicker source of nutrition, is at meals 2 and 4 since I am not guaranteed to have time to be at my desk to have my shake (oh yeah, meals 2 and 4 are protein and udos oil shakes).
Since needing to eat somethign like a protein bar woul be unplanned, throwing something with 21g of carbs at meals 2 or 4 would screw up the rest of my day. But I guess you are right, it's better than eating nothing.
I hope there's a 2-3g total carb alternative.