Ok, being a powerlifter I rely on all the equipment in the world to make me strong. Don't really like to work too hard...just use the term "powerlifter" as an excuse to eat whatever the hell I want. Whenever I want to get stronger I just buy more equipment.
Well the damnest thing happened to me today. At my last meet, my shirt benched 440 for me...was so proud of it. It was a 15lb PR for it. Today in the gym, worked up without the help of my best friend for the first time in almost 2 years. It was scarey at first. Knowing that I would get no help lifting the weight. Most I have ever done this way before was 331. Today I worked up to 363 with pinkies on the rings, which I usually go index on the rings for 1RM. I was so confused. I knew that my shirt was getting stronger, but it appears that I am getting stronger at a proportional rate
I apologize for the sarcasm, but it seems as if people that don't know anything about lifting with equipment think that it does all the work for you. BOTTOM LINE: To get stronger with equipment you have to get stronger without it.
Well the damnest thing happened to me today. At my last meet, my shirt benched 440 for me...was so proud of it. It was a 15lb PR for it. Today in the gym, worked up without the help of my best friend for the first time in almost 2 years. It was scarey at first. Knowing that I would get no help lifting the weight. Most I have ever done this way before was 331. Today I worked up to 363 with pinkies on the rings, which I usually go index on the rings for 1RM. I was so confused. I knew that my shirt was getting stronger, but it appears that I am getting stronger at a proportional rate

I apologize for the sarcasm, but it seems as if people that don't know anything about lifting with equipment think that it does all the work for you. BOTTOM LINE: To get stronger with equipment you have to get stronger without it.