calveless wonder
New member
InquisitivePsyche said:Ok - and that's fine. But I don't see why people have to bash me and predict it for me just because it's what they and others they know, have experienced?
I don't like that and I find it very offensive that people will sit and tell me I don't know what I feel, if I'm REALLY in love, blah blah... I think that's wrong. one is telling you what to feel. We know you're deeply in love and he's your one and only blah blah blah. Emotions are highly irrational.
some people go overboard, but the level headed ones realize that you're just an unexperienced, naive girl(which is fine) in love for the first time, with a much older guy...and you have no basis for comparison in relationships...yet your emotions are so caught up that you ignore the reality of society and love. Most of us have been in your position in some way shape or form, and most of us are speaking from our own experience and those around us.
that's all.