At 6-3 and 170lbs, I am average in size there, soon to be the biggest. What really gets me pumped is that the gym is owned by the hospital and they do rehab there. I feel great next to the old man with the walker
The guy that only does bench and curls fucks up my workout. I cant focus when I see him walk in. I laugh too much.
Not only does he just do bench and curls. Oh and throw in cable pulldowns. He uses all machines. Flat bench under a smith machine and so on. He is there 5 days a week too. Cracks me up.
my old gym was pretty wimpy... but at Golds (the mecca)-- its like who cares if your the smallest fish-- theres tons of equipment, trainers like Charles Glass, new equipment thats not even on the market yet.
it can be a f--king zoo on the wkends, but its worth the hassel to train at prob the best gym in SoCal (& its dirt-cheap!).
I workout in a New York sports Club, it's more like a Jewish retirement facility. I'm really surprised though that with all these old motherfvkkers their that I'm the only one who farts while benching.
At 6-3 and 170lbs, I am average in size there, soon to be the biggest. What really gets me pumped is that the gym is owned by the hospital and they do rehab there. I feel great next to the old man with the walker
The guy that only does bench and curls fucks up my workout. I cant focus when I see him walk in. I laugh too much.
Not only does he just do bench and curls. Oh and throw in cable pulldowns. He uses all machines. Flat bench under a smith machine and so on. He is there 5 days a week too. Cracks me up.
HEY ALL! The gymnasium I go to is owned by the hospital too. I think they do rehab or something there. I don`t know I`m too busy "pumping iron" I`m usually in there 5 days a week mainly benching and curls but I sometimes throw in some pulldowns for my shoulders, you know.
I sometimes like to get a spot from people at the gym but there`s this one guy...about 6ft 3 170 pounds, EVERY TIME I look at him he`s laughing. wtf I guess people are`nt as "focused" as I am. Well gotta do another set of curls.